"I dig stories - stories educational learning facilities" is now online

the project "I dig stories - stories educational learning facilities", funded under Erasmus+ learning partnership, is officially online with its very first project output.
The platform is available at: www.idigstories.eu  

The platform will become more & more interactive with the implementation of the project activities.

At the moment, the following sections are active:
  • home: with a special Digital Stories Video to introduce our work 
  • project: with abstract & project presentation
  • stories: with  brief introduction to the Digital Story Telling & previously-released videos
  • news: with the updates & the agenda of upcoming events
  • partners: presenting the organization which participate to the project
You will also find direct links to available social media.
To be updated on the methodological guide, toolkit, new videos, local workshops & events, register to the platform newsletter & dedicated linkedin group & follow us on twitter, google+, Facebook & Linked in
  • newsletter for the constant project updates
  • Linked In group to participate & share our methodological work & the praxis exchange
  • follow us on twitter, google+ & Facebook


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