
There is no good or bad use for the freedom of expression, there is only an insufficient use
RaoulVaneigen, Rien n’est sacré, tout peut se dire, 2003

It has always been fundamental for me to have the chance to read and discover new points of view, enriching myself with the words that other individuals have found to pass their stories, to try to express something about their experiences.
Praha, 1995
As a logical consequence, when it came my turn to have the privilege of some publications, I chose to register my words under the Creative Commons (by cc nc) license, in order to favour the dissemination and the free exchange of experiences.

The following list of pubblication is ordered for their releasing date; they are divided between the ones I individually wrote, and those which are the result of my participation to the "Employment working group" of FEANTSA.
Most of the texts will soon been available in links.

place , time & language
A couple of things my patients knows and our leaders tend to forget
Coming soon
E=mc2 a metaphorical journey through the evolution of physics to deepen the care-work relation
Coming very soon
For Saint Brother Albert Aid Society - Gdansk Model of social Economy, ESF 2013
2013 (PL)
FIADDA (Association of Italian Families to defend the rights of deaf persons)
Torino (IT) 2012

FEANTSA magazine spring 2012, Made to measure? Quality in social services from the perspective of services working with homeless people
Bruxelles (BE) 2012
in “Gdanski Model Ekonomii Spolecznej- Gdansk Model of social Economy, ESF 2011
Gdansk (PL) 2011
Eurobalance: diffondere la conciliazione vita-lavoro attraverso il championing
with L. Novaro, S. Busoli, output of the projectEurobalance funded by Leonardo, Transfer of Innovation (n°. 2009-1-GB2-LEO05-01365)
Genova (IT) 2010
What's informal about informal economy? FEANTSA magazine, winter 2007, Homelessness and employment: a challenge and a opportunity
Bruxelles (BE) 2008
Qu’y a-t-il d’informel dans l’économie informelle? le Bullettin de la FEANTSA Hiver 2007 - L’emploi et l’exclusion liée au logement: un défi et une opportunité
Bruxelles (BE) 2008
Maneggiare con cura, la difficile strada della lotta all’esclusione sociale in una città post-industriale
TRA- FIOpsd magazine
Genova (IT) 2005
Handle with care: how local authorities approach the fight against social exclusion in the post-industrial italian city of Turin
FEANTSA magazine Summer 2005 - Local authorities and the fight against homelessness
Bruxelles (BE) 2005
Fragile! Manipuler avec soin: l’approche de lutte contre l’exclusion sociale adopteè par les autorités locales de la cité postindustrielle italienne de Turin
le Bullettin de la FEANTSA eté 2005 – Les autorités locales et la lutte contre l'exclusion au lodgement
Bruxelles (BE) 2005
Lavorare sulle rotture biografiche per la progettualità individuale
Caritas Diocesana Udine, in Progetto di formazione “persone senza dimora”
Udine (IT) 2005
Quali sono le mie motivazioni? La motivazione tra desiderio, potere, rappresentazione e sensi
Centro servizi per il volontariato sociale Provincia di Bologna, in Nuove povertà ed esclusione sociale: una proposta formativa
Bologna (IT) 2005
La consulenza psicologica ondine, tra realtà e illusione
in Notiziario dell’Ordine degli Psicologi del Piemonte, gennaio/febbraio 2003
Torino (IT) 2003
Il laboratorio 'strumenti di legno’ dello Stalker Teatro, Collegno 7-9 dicembre 1994
Tirrenia Stampatori, in Il significato del museo laboratorio di territorio, a cura di C.G Barbisio. e C. Quaranta
Torino (IT) 1997

Collective documents from the Employment working group of FEANTSA
Place & time
Employability Starter Kit: How to Develop Employability Services in Homeless Services
Kit de démarrage «Employabilité»: comment élaborer des initiatives d’emploi et d’insertion professionnelle dans les structures de prise en charge des personnes sans domicile
Guide lines and suggestions for NGOs to develop accompaniment programmes of reinsertion into work
Bruxelles (BE) 2011
FEANTSA comments on new EU2020 strategy launched by Eu Union
Bruxelles (BE) 01/2010
Supported employment for people experiencing homelessness: the role of integration social enterprises (WISE)
Analyisi and perspectives of WISE concerning policies & praxis for insertion into work for people living in severe condition of social exclusion
Bruxelles (BE) 08/2009
Analysis and introduction to Eu policies and tools to foster occupation between socially vulnerable groups
Bruxelles (BE) 05/2009
FEANTSA response to Eu Commission concerning financial inclusion
Bruxelles (BE) 04/2009
Reccomandations to Eu member states to foster occpational policies. Result of the Eu report “Multiple barriers, multiple solutions”
Bruxelles (BE) 01/2009
Comment on the Eu working paper on regulation of state-aid policies
Bruxelles (BE) 04/2008
European Report 2007:
Eu report based on the research in 16 MS concerning occupational policies for people living in severe condition of social esclusion
Bruxelles (BE) 11/2007
Comment to the Eu Commission on the labour market reform
Bruxelles (BE) 04/2007
Analysis of the Eu situation regarding the compliance of MS concerning Eu directives to implement Lisbon strategy
Bruxelles (BE) 09/2006
Response to Eu Commission regarding principles and reccomandations to succeed a real social inclusion
Bruxelles (BE) 04/2006


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