A.O.B. links & biblio

As many experienced, there is always an AoB as the last point in every serious agenda.
It contains those topics that were not included in the previous items, which are highlighted in the course of work, inspired & generated within the previous topics.
This page is intended to offer evidence to various materials which I find impressive, & which I consider worth sharing with a wider audience.
This AoB page offers:
  • thesis, essays & reports which I received &/or find on my way
  • pictures & comments on group-work sessions
  • collateral projects
  • photo-galleries & videos
There are many things that attract me for their beauty: the fruit in a basket, the spice market, the sweets hidden in the darkness of a shop, the shells on a beach, a field of flowers, & many more. I have always been attracted by contamination, from whatever came into my way, events, contributions, suggestions. As Stevenson wrote in his book “An apology for idlers”:
... who is not able to learn something from the road, is not able to learn anything ...
I knew the true meaning of this aphorism even before reading it. I developed an approach where respect, dignity, reciprocity & sharing are the fundaments. I like to reproduce it here.
Like everything presented on this blog, & unless otherwise specified, all the available materials are registered with Creative Commons (by cc nc) license, to favor the dissemination & exchange of experiences.
If you are interested to circulate your production, you can have a direct contact by writing to info@multipolis.eu
On my side, I will be honored to share & disseminate, offering visibility & opportunities to widen the community.

Bregman R., Why we should give everyone a basic income (video TED conference) 2013 - EN
Brusa P., La strada parla: the logos from the E=mc2 chapters, 2014 - IT - EN
Brusa P., Stories of the street, part 1: Berlin 1989 -1998 (video), 2015
Cintio D., Corpi senza dimora tra “luoghi” e “non-luoghi”. Una ricerca empirica, 2013 - IT 
(Homeless bodies between "places" & "non-places”; an empirical research) 
Feantsa, Breaking down the barriers (video), 1997 - EN
Feantsa, 2014 Bergamo conference souvenir (video), 2014 - EN

Feantsa, Get a different result...get people participating, disponibile in CatalanEnglishFrenchGermanPolish & Spanish  
Feantsa, Redistributing the Power", disponibile in EnglishFrenchDutchPolishSpanish & German
Feantsa, Empowering Ways of Working, disponibile iEnglish & French
Frank T., Ted talks are lying to you , 2013 - EN
Glennie E., Disability Essay , 2012 EN
Glennie E., Hearing Essay , 2003 EN
Glennie E., How to truly listen video & transcription (video), 2003 EN sub
Graeber D.,  On the phenomenon of bullshit jobs, 2013 IT 
Graeber D.,  Debt. The first 5 thousand years , 2012 IT
Lanchester J., Money talks, 2014 EN
Lancione M., How is homelessness? Objects, codes & poetry to re-imagine homelessness , 2013 EN
Lancione M., Entanglements of faith: discourses, practices of care & homeless people in an Italian city of Saints, 2014 EN

Penny L., The horizon of desire, 2017 EN
Quattrocchi A., Identità e cambiamento: uno studio con persone senza fissa dimora
(Identity and Change Prospects: A Study With Homeless People), 2013 IT


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