
There are differences which I find basic to set when referring to projects.
Generally speaking, I consider a project every activities, action and praxis: they all imply a need-analysis, a feasibility study, and an activities plan to get to defined results. Every project implies a vision.
In a broader mean, my projects cover various issues:
  • disabilities and inclusion
  • psychological support
  • clinical and methodological supervision
  • project management
  • training and consultancies
It is quite different indeed to manage a project under a local Italian call, or submitting to Eu call; still different is to develop a community based project, and looking for private funds.
These differences refer to the complexity, working languages, award criteria, communication and collaboration between partners.
Every project implies a need-analysis, a development under the methodology of Project Cycle Management; a definition of aims, objectives, beneficiaries, target groups; together with the definition of working pack, responsibilities between the partnership; the budget and the impact.
Sometimes the whole process is very complex, but the net result of newcoming project is an emotion worth enough for all the work.

The projects which I have developed till now are divided by issues:

disability & inclusion
2013, Pari e impari (peers and learn)
Creative laboratory to primary and secondary students to foster integration and active inclusion through arts and creativity
2013, Buon vento! (have good wind)
Laboratory for creative narration skills
2013, Dammi una mano, ascolta gli occhi, altro non chiedo (give me your hand, listen to my eyes, that's all I ask)
Group-sessions with adults on the experience of parenting children with disabilities
2012, Le fiabe dal mondo si ritrovano in cerchio (world fairy-tales meet in circles)
Experiential laboratory to foster integration in school
2012, v..o..volo.. so..sogno.. pa.r..r..parlo!( dr.dream.. s.s.speak!)
Educational activities in kindergarden to support communicative skills and inclusion between children
2012, gruppi di supporto di genitori di bambini sordi (support group-sessions)
Group-work to support adults on the experience of parenting deaf children
2009-2011, On family side e 2007-2009, Starting with family
Two Eu projects on inclusion policies for people with disabilities
psychological support
Supervision group under the method of intervision
Psychological support
Addressed to adults, couples, women victims of violence, people experiencing disabilities
Raccontami una storia (tell me a story)
Group work session for students
clinical & methodological supervision
Cadd el duente
Educational daily centre for minors with disabilities, (Torino)
Noi sulla strada
Volunteers project to support homeless people, Padova
Logos project
educational and social support to reinsertion of former inmates (Torino)
Not sole asylum 4 & 5
educational and social support for vulnerable refugees (Torino)
La Carabattola, protected community for minors
protected community for minors victims of abuses, Grugliasco (Torino)
Residential Community Arcobaleno
Semi-protected community for people with mental disease, Riva del Garda
il Cortile daily centre
daily centre for minors at risk, Rovereto
Albergo Cittadino
shelter and dormitory for homeless people, Vicenza
Asilo Notturno
night shelter for homeless people, Padova
social and educative service Andorno
social and educational support, Andorno (Biella)
integrated educative support
educative support for minors and families, Biella
Accomodation & hostel Il Sentiero
accomodation hostel for homeless under the participative method, Trento
night shelter for homeless people, Trento
street unit and social accompaniment for homeless people, Trento
M.ET So.stare & CEM
Educational service for minors and daily centre, Settimo (Torino)
Educational service for minors, 6th parrish, Torino
Casa del Mondo (coordinator)
accomodation hostel for refugees, Torino
Tavolo ROM
multi professional project to foster integration of Roma minority, Torino
Educational service for minors, Nichelino (Torino)
Area Inclusione Sociale
multi professional team of the Dep. for Social Service, Trento
Convivenze guidate
shared apartments for homeless women, Torino
casa Allende
accomodation hostel for unaccompanied minors asylum seekers

Eu projects
2012-2014 Taste different
cooking cultural differences to improve inclusion into work and society, funded in Poland, Denmark and Turky
2009-2011 Eurobalance
championing work-life balance in Europe, funded under Leonardo Transfer of Innovation
- 2007-2009 On Family side,
2 project for the Research and documentation centre for parental pedagogy, funded under Grundtvig Learning Partnership
2002-2006 CATCH Creative Approach To Combat Homelessness
Eu-confrontation on networking and integrated policies for people experiencing homelessness, funded by DG Social Affair
2002-2003 LA vie en Rose, Laboratory for Active Research On Social Exclusion
Eu-confrontation on labour reinsertion praxis for people experiencing homelessness, funded by DG Social Affair
2010, Move-on dormitory Il Sentiero
Training, start up e supervision of the service (accommodation and housing facilities with participative management), Trent
2005, Street work unit con.tatto
Training, start up e supervision of the street-worker team, Trent
2002, Area Verde
Laboratory for labour and social reinsertion
2002, move-on dormitory, via Marsigli 12
Mission ri-definition and project management
2000, shared house with social accompaniment
Project management, start up and coordinator
1999, low threshold shelter, corso Tazzoli 76
Project management, start up
1999, night shelter, via Sacchi 49
Project management and start up of shelter for elder homeless at Porta Nuova Station
1999, social- sanitary ambulatory, via Sacchi 47/bis
Project management and start up of socio-sanitary facilities for homeless at Porta Nuova Station with Health dep and Red Cross
1998, Centralina di Prenotazione Unificata
Project management and start up of a web-tool service to unify the management of all accommodation for homeless in Torino
1998, Boa Urbana Mobile
Project management and start up of a night street-worker unit
training & consultancy
from 2013 FIADDA Piedmont, (Italian families to defend the rights of deaf people)
Member of the regional board
from 2009 consultant on project management
Diciannove cooperative society, Genova
From 2006, Employment working group, FEANTSA
Member of the european working group
for FEANTSA (BE); National Thematic Networkon Refugees and Asylum Seekers (SE); SBAAS (PL); FIADDA Piemonte e nazionale; FIOpsd (Roma); Municipality of Torino, Udine, Collegno, Beinasco, Orbassano, Patto Territoriale Zona Ovest (To); Fondazione ComunitàSolidale, Istituto di Studi Sociali, ass. Murialdo (Tn); Cedas (Rovereto); Caritas di Trento, La Spezia, Bologna; Diciannove società cooperativa e Isforcoop (Ge); Reability, ass. A Pieno Titolo, Onda Urbana, Amuleto, Cipet, Dasein, Melting Box, ForCoop, Fondazione Feyles (To), Cosep, ass Noi sulla strada (Pd); Forser (Ud)
the complete list is disposable at the training page, at the publications and in the abstract archive. The outputs of group-work session with Multipolis are disposable on the dedicated webpages

A more detailed presentation of part of the projects will be available in forthcoming posts.


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