abstract archive

I have always approached my work with a sharing attitude, as a never-ending possibility of reciprocal exchange of thoughts, experiences, praxis and competences.
Following these principle, I use the Creative Commons (by nc sa) license, which means that everyone is allowed to copy and distribute the materials in any media or format under the following terms:
  • Attribution: everyone has to clarify the author credits
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The following list of abstracts and presentations is ordered chronologically.
Most of the them will soon be available in forthcoming posts.

when & where
27 April 2014 Warsaw (PL)
National conference SBAAS
Jan-Feb 2014 Genova
How to manage new Eu projects
Oct. 2013 - May 2014 Padova
Taking care of care work
Group work supervision; Noi sulla Strada ngo
Dec. 2013 - April 2014 Trento
The insertion into the residential facility of individuals with mental diseases
ESF & Provincial LLP for care-workers; Consolida
How to cope with emergency with psychiatrical individuals
The end is still the end: the closure of residential programmes
June-July 2013
Analysis of social exclusion. The participation approach and networking facilities
Financed by European Social Fund; ForSer & Municipality
11 May. 2013
Perspectives of care-work from within
23 Jan. 2013
Educational & communication skills in parenting
Murialdo Association
17 Nov 2012 & 9 Feb. 2013
Taking care of care work
Intensive supervision; Noi sulla Strada ngo
21,22 Jan. 2013
Care-work: voluntarism and the homeless persons
Financed by European Social Fund; Foundation Comunità Solidale & Cedas
5, 6 Nov. 2012
Who is people experiencing homelessness today?
12-17 Nov. 2012
Promoted by Piedmont Regional Board of Psychologist for the “Wellness week”
April/June 2012
Group-work sessions dedicated to the experience of parenting deaf children
Fiadda Association
26 January 2013
I work socially, ergo sum. Introspection into the dimension of power and rank
3 days group work session in collaboration with Reability Association
1 December 2012
What I see when I listen. Building a mutual knowledge out of our senses
20 October 2012
The little theatre of No. From the fear to say no to the discover of the others
21 October 2011
EU conference: Quality in social services from the perspective of services working with homeless people; FEANTSA
29 June 2011
Gdansk (PL)
ESF: Around Homelessness, Service Standards; S. Brother Albert Aid Society
2-3 October 2010
Lavorare è/e partecipare (work and participation)
Training session open to FIOpsd members
20-21 September 2010
Eurobalance: diffondere la conciliazione vita-lavoro attraverso il championing (Eurobalance: education and training across Europe on Work Life Balance)
Workshop, EU project “Eurobalance” financed by Leonardo Transfer of Innovation Programme; Diciannove
18-20 February 2010
- Workshop: Identità e funzioni dell'operatore: la reciprocità allo specchio (identity and role of the social worker: the reciprocity in the mirror)
Multipolid workdhop: training for coordinators of SSGI for people experiencing homelessness;FIOpsd
October 2009 / May 2010
- the social worker in the accompanying praxis: working within the weak-relationship
- operative praxis & network strategies
- networks & integration
Financed by European Social Fund; Foundation Comunità Solidale
15 May 2009
La dimensione europea delle politiche di contrasto alla homelessness (The EU dimension of the policy to combat homelessness)
Seminar of the AC annual conference; FIOpsd
21 November & 5 dicembre 2008
La Spezia
The multiple dimension of the homelessness issue
workshop Multipolis: the multiplicity of social exclusion; FIOpsd, Caritas
18 December 2007
Charge and relational capacity in the the relation of care
Workhosp Multipolis: experiment the relational dimension; Found. Comunità Solidale
13 November 2007
The social accompaniment with homeless people
workshop Multipolis: strategies, methodology and competence in accompaniment praxis; CeDAs
30 October 2007
The multiple dimension of social exclusion: methodological criteria
22 October 2007
Workshop Multipolis: women experiencing homelessness
workshop Multipolis @ Melting Box, International Fair of Rights & equal opportunity for all
19 October 2007
Zaragoza (ES)
Multiple barriers, multiple solutions: inclusion into and through employment for people who are homeless: Where can people who are homeless find employment?
Workshop: FEANTSA Eu conference
18 October 2007
Zaragoza (ES)
Info Day presentation of MultiPolis; FEANTSA Info day European conference
15-17 June 2006 Malmö (SE)
Workshop MultiPolis: Dealing with homelessness
EU project: CATCH - Creative Approach to Combat Homelessness, for coop. Parella
16-18 March 2006
Vienna (AT)
The gender issue in building relation of care with women experiencing homelessness
21-23 October 2004 Bologna (IT)
Homelessness and mental symptoms: from general representation to concrete offer
3-6 June 2004 Barcelona (ES)
Management of a pre-insertion laboratory for homeless people
15-17 Aprile 2004 Malmö (SE)
SSGIs address to homelessness in a post industrial scenario
5-6 April 2006 Trento (IT)
strategies, methodology and competence in accompaniment praxis
Financed by European Social Fund, Institute for Social Study
9-10 January 2006
The group dynamics
FIOpsd, Foundation Comunità Solidale
12-13 December 2005
Homelessness, a social issue
8-9 November 2005
Building direct relation of care with homeless people in the street
17-18 October 2005
People experiencing homelessness
24-26 October 2005
Gothemborg (SE)
Innovative actions in the asylum seekers scenario
Sweden National Thematic Network annual conference, World Cultures Museum
4 October 2005
The personal data treatment in social work
Ente Scuola CIPET
15 June 2005
From biographical breakdowns to taylored solutions
FIOpsd - Centro Solidarietà Giovani
16,19,26, 30, 31 May 2005
Building a positive relation of care
Dasein, Prov Torino, Comune Beinasco, Orbassano
19, 26 February 2005
Methodology and motivation in the relation of care
New poverty and social exclusion, FIOpsd, Caritas
16,23 November 2004
La Spezia
The care work between methodology and representation
FIOpsd, Centro Servizi Vivere Insieme
19, 26 April 2004
The intervention of care with adult in need
Regional Abilitation Training for social workers; Fondazione Feyles
6-9 June 2003
Lisboa (PT)
Local / transnational network and evaluation criteria
EU project LA vie en ROSE (Laboratory for Active Research On Social Exclusion)
23-25 May 2003
Barcelona (ES)
How to build a city network
21-23 March 2003
Lille (FR)
Networking strategies
14-15 February 2003
SSGIs for homeless people in network

January-June 2003
Managing services for homeless people: basic notions of psychiatry
LLP Provincial training for social workers; Coop Parella
Communicative and relational aspects in care-giving
Managing services for homeless people: the biological risk
January-Aprile 2003
Care giving with homeless people
Regional Abilitation Training for social workers; Feyles Foundation
8 March 2002
Adults in needs
Introduction to psychology: its development through history
The group management and the operative praxis
Centre for psychoteraphy and psychopedagogy; SFEP
English for children
Inst. Leopardi Trofarello (To)
Psychology; Pedagogy; Educative methodology; Infant Neuropsychiatry
Regional Degree for Infant Assistant; Inst. Juvarra Chivasso (To)


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