Admin eu prog: orientering tips: NGOs & non-profit organizations

NGOs, as well as all organizations of the non-profit universe can access direct Eu funds. Those funds are managed by the various programme's Executive Agencies or by the diverse National Agencies.
Developing a European project requires specific competences, which I identify at the following levels:

  • info, meaning where to look for & find the calls, guides, tutorials & e-forms
  • the structure, meaning the necessary knowledge on the Commission priorities relating to both the Eu2020 strategy & the ones identified by each programs

  • the process, meaning the comprehensive skills necessary to pass through all phases of the project cycle management, including: case-study & feasibility analysis; SWOT analysis; logical framework; development of work packages & related tools (Gantt chart, Pert ...); development of a pertinent partnership; planning & administrative management; development of strategies in decision-making & communication; all reporting topics …
  • the language, referring to the differences between the different partners native languages & the official project language (usually English)
In general terms, it is basic to start by knowing a bit more in detail the EU2020 strategy, based on:
- three priorities: to be smart, sustainable & inclusive
- four target areas: employment, innovation, education & social inclusion
- five quantitative targets on employment, research & development, climate & energy, education, social integration & poverty reduction
- seven flagship initiatives:
Digital agenda for Europe, Innovation Union, Youth on the move, Resource efficient Europe, industrial policy for the globalisation era, agenda for new skills and jobs, platform against poverty

Here you can find a general overview of the main programs.

Social Policies.
This is one of the main field of intervention for most of NGOs which can develop pilot project targeted to foster local social policies with contracts that, in some cases, can cover up to 3 years.
The main references are:
education, youth & sport
the Erasmus + program covers everything about the themes of education (adult, formal & informal, special education ...), training, youth & sport. Priorities are set by each single call. The programme is structured on 3 Key Actions:
  • 1: mobility of individuals
  • 2: cooperation for innovation & exchange of good practices
  • 3: support for policy reform
For decentralized actions, you can find your specific National Agency here. Additional areas of interest may include:
Culture & tourism
The reference programs are:
Rights, equality & active citizenship
This is another
substantial area of intervention for most NGOs on the themes of Rights, citizenship & equal opportunities for all. One program includes the previous following 3: Justice; Daphne; Progress.
The main references are:
Regarding the SIE - Structural Investment Funds, please note that the general regulation obliges the member states to allocate the 20% of the total funds to achieve the target goals of EU2020 strategy concerning social inclusion. NGOs & all the non-profit organisations are not directly eligible, but they are a major relevance in term of addressing, lobbying & monitoring of the proper use of such funds.

Research & innovation
The reference program is
Horizon 2020, specifically for:

Another relevant program is COSME for the themes of fostering competitiveness, favoring access to financing opportunities, empowerment & creation of new entrepreneurship.

The referral program is

If you are interested to deepen some fo these issues, if you are looking for a specific training on eu opportunities, if you need support in designing a project under the method of Project Cycle Management, feel free to contact me here


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