Admin eu prog: orientering tips for public entities
entities can access both forms of Eu funding opportunities: direct
and indirect funds.
In general terms, Public entities have to success the goals of general interest connected to EU2020 strategy: increase institutional efficiency, improve the quality of public services & the utility of infrastructure...
In general terms, Public entities have to success the goals of general interest connected to EU2020 strategy: increase institutional efficiency, improve the quality of public services & the utility of infrastructure...
all areas of interest of a public administration are covered.
Social policies
Public bodies can pilot local social policies and ask for funding that, in some cases, cover 3 years.
The programs of reference are:
Social policies
Public bodies can pilot local social policies and ask for funding that, in some cases, cover 3 years.
The programs of reference are:
for change & social innovation: special attention for projects
targeting the elderly, the disabled, people experiencing poverty &
social exclusion, disadvantaged minorities. For more info, see also:
- book: Working together for Roma inclusion, the EU framework explained
indirect funds, & specifically to SIE
- Structural Investment Funds,
please note that the regulation of the European Social Fund provides
that 20% of the funds must be dedicated to achieve the target goals
of EU2020 strategy concerning social inclusionCulture
& tourism
The reference programs are:
The reference programs are:

- Creative Europe
- JHEP Joint Heritage European Programme
- EDEN for excellence destination, as part of the COSME program
Education & Sports

Additional areas of interest may include:
- minors at risk:EU Alliance for Investing in Children & unaccompained minors
- school dropouts & youth unemployment: Youth Guarantee
- awareness of young people about the Eu: Yes4Europe
active citizenship
are 3 main areas:Europe
for citizen:
dedicated to civic participation
E-twinning of schools: eTwinning
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme: promotion of democracy and human rights
E-twinning of schools: eTwinning
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme: promotion of democracy and human rights
& innovation
The Reference program is Horizon 2020, specifically for:
The Reference program is Horizon 2020, specifically for:
The referral program is Life2014-2020
Urban & regional policyThe Eu Territorial Cooperation program URBACT III,, through the Eu Fund for Regional Development & by the Member States, promotes sustainable urban development, & the share of best practices, lessons learned & solutions with stakeholders involved in urban policies.Participation in prizes & awards
Public entities can access several awards. The following list is not exhaustive, & provide just few examples:
a door Eurodesks
Finally, every public institution is entitled to open an Eurodesks office in many Member States.
In case you are interested, need to deepen some issue, look for a specific training, design & methodological management support, feel free to contact me here
Finally, every public institution is entitled to open an Eurodesks office in many Member States.
In case you are interested, need to deepen some issue, look for a specific training, design & methodological management support, feel free to contact me here
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