Admin eu prog: orientering tips for public entities

Public entities can access both forms of Eu funding opportunities: direct and indirect funds.
In general terms, Public entities have to success the goals of general interest connected to EU2020 strategy: increase institutional efficiency, improve the quality of public services & the utility of infrastructure...
Almost all areas of interest of a public administration are covered.
Social policies
Public bodies can pilot local social policies and ask for funding that, in some cases, cover 3 years.
The programs of reference are:
- EaSIprogramme for change & social innovation: special attention for projects targeting the elderly, the disabled, people experiencing poverty & social exclusion, disadvantaged minorities. For more info, see also:

Regarding indirect funds, & specifically to SIE - Structural Investment Funds, please note that the regulation of the European Social Fund provides that 20% of the funds must be dedicated to achieve the target goals of EU2020 strategy concerning social inclusionCulture & tourism
The reference programs are:

Education & Sports
the Erasmus + program covers everything about the themes of education, education, including special education, youth & sport.
Additional areas of interest may include:
active citizenship

There are 3 main areas:Europe for citizen: dedicated to civic participation
E-twinning of schools:
Rights, Equality and Citizenship Programme: promotion of democracy and human rights

Research & innovation
The Reference program is Horizon 2020, specifically for:
Open a door Eurodesks
Finally, every public institution is entitled to open an Eurodesks office in many Member States.

In case you are interested, need to deepen some issue, look for a specific training, design & methodological management support, feel free to contact me


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