FIADDA supports accessible culture at 32° TFF
FIADDA Piemonte is proud to support the Fondazione Molo initiative Torino + accessible culture, to encourage a free & accessible culture for people with sensory disabilities, especially in theater & movie-cinema.
After the success of last year, three accessible movies for people with sensory disabilities are scheduled in the 32 Turin Film Festival: these movies will avail subtitles for the deaf individuals & audio description for blind people.
The subtitles & audio descriptions will be available both on instrumentation room, or directly on the smartphone to the public through the application of Sub-ti ( so that all the participants will be able to fully experience and share the experience of the film festival.
The subtitles & audio descriptions will be available both on instrumentation room, or directly on the smartphone to the public through the application of Sub-ti ( so that all the participants will be able to fully experience and share the experience of the film festival.

This is the calendar of accessible movies:
Tuesday 25 Nov. at 5.15 pm, Cinema Massimo 1 EVERY DAMN CHRISTMAS
James Ciarrapico, Mattia Torre, Luca Vendruscolo, 2014, 95 '. Among Giulia (Alessandra Mastronardi) and Massimo (Alessandro Cattelan) is at first sight. To divide you put the Christmas spent at home with their families and a rozzissima caciarona, the other rich and snobbish. The new film of the authors of Boris, with a cast that brings together the best of Italian comedy: Valerio Mastandrea, Mark Giallini, Laura Morante, Francis Pannofino Corrado Guzzanti. All in the mood for transformation.
Thursday 27 Nov. at 11.30 am, Cinema Massimo 2 - MIRAFIORI LUNA PARK
Stefano Di Polito, 2014, 75 '. Three retirees Fiat, disgusted by the world today, decided to occupy the factory where they worked for a living, Mirafiori, before it is torn down, and to make it a children's playground. A fairy tale at times bitter but hopeful, looking to social lightly not rhetoric. With Alessandro Haber, Antonio Catania and Giorgio Colangeli.
Saturday 29 Nov. at 5.15 pm, Cinema Massimo 3 - THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR
Sydney Pollack, USA, 1975, 117 '. The New Hollywood of the '70s when the endless prolongation of the war in Vietnam and the Watergate scandal cast the country and its film in an atmosphere of increasing paranoia and insecurity: all partied all. A researcher of the CIA is the only survivor of a section of the New York organization, killed by a group of assassins. With the help of Kathie escapes to hunt down the killers and discovers that behind the plot lies a field deflected the CIA itself.
Saturday 29 Nov. at 5.15 pm, Cinema Massimo 3 - THREE DAYS OF THE CONDOR
Sydney Pollack, USA, 1975, 117 '. The New Hollywood of the '70s when the endless prolongation of the war in Vietnam and the Watergate scandal cast the country and its film in an atmosphere of increasing paranoia and insecurity: all partied all. A researcher of the CIA is the only survivor of a section of the New York organization, killed by a group of assassins. With the help of Kathie escapes to hunt down the killers and discovers that behind the plot lies a field deflected the CIA itself.
Let me remind you all the partner organizations that made possible Turin + Culture Accessible:
Molo, APRI, APIC, CPD, ENS Fondazione Istituto dei Sordi di Torino,
FIADDA Piemonte, FISH, Tactile Vision Onlus, IsITT, Unione
Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti UICI, ASPHI, ANPVI Onlus Associazione
Nazionale Privi della Vista e Ipovedenti Sezione Torino, Consorzio
Kairos Area Sordità, Associazione Interpreti LIS Lingua dei Segni
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