Generativity: manage it! Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership

The project "Generativity: manage it!" focus on a specific methodological reference: generativity describes a self-contained system from which its user draws an independent ability to create, generate, implement or produce new content unique to that system without additional help or input from the system's original creators.
While waiting for project to officially start in September, we are proud to present it, using this post as a very images to represent it: a cup filled with gems, flowers & small pomegranates.
"Generativity: manage it!" is a project that will respond to some of the questions that urges most of the third sector organizations in various fields from social intervention to educational, from empowerment disadvantaged groups or individuals, to support employment.
The project idea arose from Diciannove (IT) & Danmar (PL) experience of more than a decade of management of Eu-funded project.
To our experience, for example, it happens to hear that:
- “our organization has some very good idea, but we don't know where to find dedicated resources …”
- “our organization has very good idea, knows where to find resources, but we don't know how to develop & write a project following Project Cycle Management (PCM) …”
- “our organization has very good idea, knows where to find resources, got funded, but we are missing skills to implement the project & the partnership …”

We felt we can help with those questions. The idea was simple & soon became the structure of the project itself.
The project will answer to the specific needs on PCM of those who run daily interventions in the social field (homelessness, refugees, migrants, education, mental health, disability, training, equal opportunities…). The substantial objectives are to strengthen the quality of the competence in design & implementation of effective & sustainable social interventions through the offer of learning materials, creation of collaborative empowerment field & the acquisition of ICT & PCM skills.
To achieve these objectives, the partnership is composed by high-level organizations creating a multi-levelled integrated consortia both at formal & operative level.
At a formal level, the partnership is built upon different legal entities:
    • 1st level local associations: Diciannove (IT), Danmar Computers (PL), KEA (EL), European Evaluation Company (UK), Cardet (CY)
    • 2nd level regional and national organizations: University of Thessaly (EL), Fiopsd (IT) & Fnars (FR)
    • 3rd level EU-federation: Feantsa (BE), who is the applicant organization
At a substantial & operative level, the project sets a clear distribution of the target groups & related tasks at:
1st level: high-level/senior professionals from Diciannove (IT), Danmar (PL), Cardet (CY) & University of Thessaly (EL) as trainer & expert to confront & further develop skills in adult education & PCM, with the opportunity to pass their competence & skills within a generativity scheme
2nd level: educational staff & professionals in adult education from FEANTSA (BE), Fnars (FR), Fiopsd (IT), KEA (EL) will receive training in new tools & innovative PCM methods, implemented in 2.0 environments; all training activities will receive an Europass certification
3rd level: adult learners & end-users of social/educational interventions, as expression of the civil society (BE, IT, FR, PL, EL, CY, UK), which belong to different social categories, such as unemployed, immigrants, pensioners, that have the need to benefit from sustainable & effective intervention within an increasing inclusive educational community, to develop their skills & competences.
In few words, we want to be generative.
But, what is generativity? The term was coined in 1950 by Erik Erikson to denote a concern for establishing & guiding: in his Stages of Psychosocial Development, generativity was defined as a struggle against stagnation that ascends during adulthood, when a process of guidance left the place for a process of guiding the next generations.
Generativity is a post-narcissistic phase, that works the same way to individuals as well as groups, organizations & institutions, in which the attention, efforts & energies are shifted from the expansion of the self to the care for the other to come & carry on a speech of care.
As generativity applies to individuals, groups & organizations, it also applies to a variety of fields: from raising a child to stop a tradition of abuse, from supporting reinsertion for homeless individuals to favour new social empowerment, from writing a family history to starting new organization, from designing & implementing innovative ICT tools for PCM, to develop effective & sustainable services.
The project aims to make a difference with one's life, to give back & take care of one's community.

"Generativity: manage it!" will be fully operative from September on: web facilities, social & dedicated contacts will be available.
Meanwhile, if you are interested to know more … just contact us at the dedicated mail (, or follow our new challenge on this blog or on my linkedin profile


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