more docs available
More documentations are now available in the section "publications" on this blog.
Almost all the more recent pubblications have been uploaded & are now on free download to favour the dissemination and the free exchange of experiences under the Creative Commons (by nc nd) license (Attribution Non-commercial No-derivs).
The license clears that everyone is free to:
- copy and redistribute the material in any medium or format following the license terms (Attribution by giving appropriate credit, providing link to the license, and indicate if changes were made- no commercial purposes - if there will be remix, transform, or build upon the material, you may not distribute the modified material )
- these freedoms won't be revoke as long as the license terms are followed
Within this very next week, the abstract of my new work "E=mc2
a metaphorical journey through the evolution of physics to deepen
the care-work relation" will be presented.
It will be followed during August & September by an almost daily publication of single chapter.
Still during summer season, I will start to promote the publication of works & essays which I have been honoured to receive, in order to foster the visibility of their authors & promote a wider diffusion.
Still during summer season, I will start to promote the publication of works & essays which I have been honoured to receive, in order to foster the visibility of their authors & promote a wider diffusion.
If you are interested in sharing your works, please contact me at
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